JAL 10+®

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Water is a life giver – even a life creator. Though 70% of earth is surrounded by water only 2% to 3% is available for human consumption. That also we pollute & contaminate by our indiscriminate use. Scarcity of potable water is a major concern for humankind.
Once the water is supplied to our home, we store water. Water on storage has a tendency to develop bacteria. Even filtered water on storage attributes microbiological growth. Health risks may arise from consumption of contaminated water leading to waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, gastroenteritis etc. these illnesses can be prevented through simple & inexpensive measures. Boiling water for 20 mins. Is effective in killing bacteria. But on cooling & storage micro-organisms on storage. Jal 10+® helps in this cause.

JAL 10+® is antibacterial beads made up of inorganic ceramic compound.

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How it Works

When we put JAL 10+® antibacterial beads in drinking water, the bacteria in water and germ guard beads are connected, silver penetrates into the cells of bacteria. Silver and plentiful enzymes in bacterial cells will react to restrain enzymes operations which neutralizes bacteria. It destroys > 99.99% of bacteria, virus, fungi in minutes and prevents any further growth ofpathogens in water. The antimicrobial property of JAL 10® is non-leaching, non-diffusible & permanent. Thus, keeping JAL 10+® in stored drinking water ensures it’s purity & safety for consumption.

  • Convenient to use
  • Potable & Portable
  • Reusable & Long Lasting
  • Removes odour
  • Zero Maintenance
  • Cost Effective
  • No Side effects

  • Water bottle
  • Earthen water pot (Matka)
  • Dispenser
  • Stored Drinking Water

Directions for usage:
  • Rinse JAL 10+® sachet well before use.
  • Put the sachet in any drinking water vessel (up to 20 Litres).
  • Wait for 5 min.
  • It will destroy > 99.99% of bacteria in it.
  • Now the water is pure and safe for drinking.

One sachet is effective continuously for one year.

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